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An Antifragile Model able to react to change, adaptive and monitored

Value innovation necessarily takes on the contours of a specific product suitable for the current context but, more intrinsically, it is the reflection of an adaptive business approach capable of betting on its most authentic, more essential uniqueness and, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
in fact, more true.

An Antifragile approach

In Innesti we accompany companies in the exploration of new potential and in the definition of new entrepreneurial perspectives.

A discreet and competent guide in the universe of Strategic Business Development, strengthened by an approach whose ultimate purpose is to create Value Innovation.

An Antifragile competitive model

Innesti is a strategic consulting company specializing in the implementation of innovation projects that generate new business opportunities.

The activities carried out according to our method are aimed  to search for new profitable business areas by exploiting the company's technological and / or commercial resources and adapting the company competitive model in order to make it suitable and performing according to changes   occurred or are taking place in the competitive environment in which   works.



The first phase consists in knowing how to define and delimit the set of those forces, external and internal, which influence our's business condition.

For us this coincides with the ability to understand the reference competitive context, analyze the current competitive model and define a personalized strategic framework oriented towards unexplored market areas and new potentials.


Defining the context and representing the model allows us to define how the company competes on the market



Distinctive element search:
Innovation can be the result of unique technological solutions (PUSH) or specific needs linked to end users (PULL) who must find their own success in a specific market.

Enhancement of comparative elements and marginal gains  which are to be sought for each single comparative element.
The marginal gains therefore strengthen the element of uniqueness that can be spent on the market by giving the value proposition Migliori performance (customer side) and economic savings (company side)

The elements of the current model may not be adequate, therefore the optimizations needed  to generate the model in which the company will have to tend the company must be identified immediate future, identifying valuable innovation and implementing resulting products / projects



The strategy is transformed into a product, the moment in which the overall vision is realized in a specific solution.

From the abstract to the concrete through a dialogue between opposites, between technique and creativity, the ultimate aim of which is to reconcile in the same goal.

It is from the meeting of these two elements, their interaction and their refinement that derives the extent to which  value innovation finds expression in the result achieved.

The product development phases include  the engineering and industrialization processes, thanks to which it is now possible to realize the

pre-series suitable for market tests

Strategic Business Development

Innesti is a strategic consulting company specializing in the implementation of innovation projects that generate new business opportunities.

The activities carried out according to our method are aimed  to search for new profitable business areas by exploiting the company's technological and / or commercial resources and adapting the company competitive model in order to make it suitable and performing according to changes   occurred or are taking place in the competitive environment in which   works.


o Extinguish

People, projects, services and final products resonate in Grafts of a new dynamism capable of grasping and interpreting the innovative direction towards which every company evolves.


Understanding of the competitive context

Photograph of the current competitive model


Analysis future competitive context

Projection of the future competitive model


Analysis future competitive context

Projection of the future competitive model

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